Research groups

Seismic Disaster Prevention Research Group

Seismic risk and strategies for damage reduction: the safety of our cities and towns

Research purposes
Expansion of the disaster prevention capabilities of todayfs ever more advanced and complex cities is essential for the realization of safety and security in our lives. To ascertain the behavior of an entire city during an earthquake precisely and effectively, reliable information as to gwhat could happen during a disasterh and gwhat to do to forestall ith must be provided. The Seismic Disaster Prevention Research Group is developing the technologies that will enable the performance of a wide range of simulations, from a single house to an entire city, and visual demonstration of the results, and intends to make proposals for policies that mandate the elimination of existing low earthquake- resistant structures and for frameworks for system design, promotion of understanding and decision-making in terms of making earthquakeresistant retrofitting and purchasing earthquake insurance, quantification of the social and economic damage from seismic disasters, and disaster prevention education developed through science and technology for society.


Field of study
Junji Kiyono Associate Professor,
Kyoto University
Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Part-time
Masato Abe Associate Professor,
The University of Tokyo
Study of Intelligent Infrastructure Part-time
Muneo Hori Professor,
The University of Tokyo
Computational Mechanics Part-time
Kumiro Meguro Associate Professor,
The University of Tokyo
Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Part-time
Hirokazu Tatano Professor,
Kyoto University
Infrastructure Planning Part-time
Kenjiro Terada Associate Professor,
Tohoku University
Computational Mechanics Part-time
Naotsugu Sato Professor, Chuo University Risk Analysis Part-time
Atsuomi Obayashi Associate Professor,
Keio University
Business Administration Part-time
P.Zhu Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society Study of Intelligent Infrastructure Full-time



Results (in English only)
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Author, Title of the result, etc.
Article Junji KIYONO and Akio FURUKAWA, Simulation of The Collapse of Timber Frame Houses and Casualty Occurrence Process for Seismic Risk Awareness, Journal of Science and Technology for Society, 358-366, October, 2003
Article Muneo HORI, Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA and Kenjiro TERADA, On Generation and Convey of Earthquake Information for Promoting Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, Journal of Science and Technology for Society, 367-373, October, 2003
Article Muneo HORI, Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA, and H. NAKAGAWA, Analysis of stochastic model: application to strong motion and fault problems, Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., JSCE(in print). 2003
Article Satoshi TSUHIYA, Hirokazu TATANO and Norio OKADA, Economic Losses Caused by Traffic Regulation with Tokai Earthquake Warning Declaration, Proceedings of The 2003 Joint Seminar and Stakeholders Symposium on Urban Disaster Management and Implementation, CBTDC, Beijing, China, 132-139, 2003
Article Yuko HARAGUCHI, Junji KIYONO and Aiko FURUKAWA, Three Dimensional Simulation of the Collapse of Timber Frame House Induced by Strong Ground Motion, Proc. of NTU/NCREE-KU Joint Seminar on Civil Engineering Research, 164-171, 2003
Article Zhu P., Masato ABE, and Yozo FUJINO, Evaluations of Pounding Countermeasures and Serviceability for Elevated Bridges with 3D Modeling, Journal of Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2003
Junji KIYONO and Aiko FURUKAWA, Seismic Behavior of Wooden House Using Distinct Element Method, Proc. of the International Conference on Advances and New Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research, Hong Kong, 317-322, 2002
Article Aiko FURUKAWA and Junji KIYONO, The Fourth International Summer Symposium, JSCE, Kyoto, 103-10, Three Dimensional Seismic Behavior of Wooden Houses, 2002
Article Muneo HORI and Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA, Application of Macro-Micro Analysis Method to Estimate Strong Motion Distribution and Resulting Structure Response, in Working Group 4: Macro-Scale Simulation, Dynamic Rupture And Wave Propagation, 3rd ACES (APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation) Workshop Proceedings, 1-8, 2002
Article Junji KIYONO and Aiko FURUKAWA, Three-dimensional Simulation of Collapse Process and Casualties Induced by earthquake, Proc. of the Fifteenth KKNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, s103-s108, 2002
Article Yang, Fang, Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA, and Muneo HORI, Earthquake Simulation in Virtual Metropolis Using Strong Motion Simulator and Geographic Information System, Journal of Applied Mechanics JSCE, Vol.5, 527-534, 2002
Article Zhu P., Masato ABE and FUJINO Y, Journal of Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 31: pp.1891-1913, Modeling Three Dimensional Non-linear Seismic Performance of Elevated Bridges with Emphasis on Pounding of Girders, 2002
Article Zhu P., Masato ABE and FUJINO Y, Collapse Simulation of Wooden Houses Based on the Distinct Element Method, The Third International Summer Symposium, JSCE, Tokyo, 113-116, August, 2001
Article Zhu P., Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, Evaluation of Pounding Countermeasures and Serviceability of Elevated Bridges during Seismic Excitation using 3D Modeling, Journal of Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2004
Article Zhu P., Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, Modeling Three Dimensional Non-linear Seismic Performance of Elevated Bridges with Emphasis on Pounding of Girders, Journal of Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2002; Vol.31, 1891-1913, Nobember, 2002
Article Zhu P., Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, Performance Evaluation of Elevated Bridges using Detailed 3D Modeling, The 2nd Japan Earthquake Engineering Conference JAEE 2003, November, 2003
Article Zhu P., Masato ABE, Junji KIYONO, Towards Building a Virtual City for Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, JCOSSAR 2003, 2003”N11ŒŽ
Article Zhu P., Masato ABE, Junji KIYONO, A Graphical Post-Processor for Web Oriented Applications, Proceedings of JSCE Annual Conference, Japan, September, 2003
Article Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA, and Muneo HORI, Earthquake Disaster Estimation using Geographical Information System and Strong Ground Motion Simulation System based on Multi-scale Analysis, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sapporo, June 30-July 11, 2003
Article Alaghehbandian ALI, Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, Application of New Computer Graphic Technologies for Urban Safety of Tokyo in the Case of Earthquake, New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia(ICUS) , Tokyo, Japan, 2003
Article Alaghehbandian ALI, Zhu P., Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, Simulation of Seismic Hazards using VRML for Bridge Structures, the Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT2002), Tokyo , Japan, 2003
Article Alaghehbandian ALI, Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, Developing a Web Based Application for Risk Communication using Virtual Reality: SAVE, the Fifth International Summer Symposium by JSCE, Tokyo, Japan , 2003
Article Alaghehbandian ALI, Anh N.T., Guganesan S.T., Masato ABE, Simulation of a Real Area in Tokyo and Real Houses during Earthquake using Virtual Reality and VRML, 2003
Article Alan ALI, Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, An Internet Oriented Platform for Structural Health Monitoring, the First International Conference on Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-1), Tokyo, Japan, 2003
Article Zhu P., Abe M., Fujino Y. Studies of Pounding and Mitigation Measures on Steel Elevated Bridges by 3D Modeling, Proceedings of JSCE Annual Conference, Japan, 2002. 2002.9
Article Zhu P., Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, A 3D General-Purpose Dynamic Analysis System for Bridges with Pounding Effects between Girders - Theory and Implementation, Third DIANA World Conference on Finite Elements in Civil Engineering Applications, Japan, 2002, 413-420, September, 2002
Article Alaghehbandian ALI, Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, Proposal of VSML: Virtual Structure Modeling Language, the Fourth International Summer Symposium by JSCE, Japan , 2002
Article Alaghehbandian ALI, Masato ABE Yozo FUJINO, Developing a System for Risk Communication using Virtual Reality, the 57th JSCEfs Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, 2002
Article Alaghehbandian ALI, Masato ABE, Virtual Reality Model of Earthquake in CABIN System, the Second Intelligent Modeling Laboratory Symposium (IML2002), Tokyo, Japan, 2002
International conference Zhu P., Masato ABE and Junji KIYONO, WEB Based Computation for Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, The Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing (CIVIL-COMP 2003), The Netherlands, September 2-4, 2003
International conference Zhu P., Masato ABE, Junji KIYONO, WEB Based Computation for Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, in Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, United Kingdom, paper 2, 2003
International conference Muneo HORI, Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA, Development of Strong Motion Simulation System based on Multi-Scale Analysis and Geographical Information System, Seventh U. S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, July 27-31, 2003
International conference Zhu P., Masato ABE, Junji KIYONO and Li KN, Building a Disaster Mitigation Platform on the Internet a Solution Using Modern Computer Technology, The 7th US/Japan Workshop on Urban Earthquake Hazard Reduction, USA, March 2003
International conference Zhu P., Masato ABE, Junji KIYONO, Li KN, Building a Disaster Mitigation Platform on the Internet a Solution Using Modern Computer Technology, The 7th US/Japan Workshop on Urban Earthquake Hazard Reduction, USA, March, 2003.
International conference Alaghehbandian ALI, Zhu P., Masato ABE, Junji KIYONO, Developing an Internet Oriented Platform for Earthquake Engineering Application and Web-Based Virtual Reality Simulation System for Seismic Hazards: Towards Disaster Mitigation in Metropolises, the International Conference on Computer Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT03), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2003
International conference Alaghehbandian ALI, Zhu P., Masato ABE, Junji KIYONO, Developing a Web-Based Simulation System for Seismic Hazards: Towards Disaster Mitigation in Metropolises, the Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization(IV03), London, England, 2003
International conference Alaghehbandian ALI, Masato ABE, Junji KIYONO, Yozo FUJINO, Developing a Web-based Virtual Reality Interaction System for Seismic Hazards on Wooden Houses, he Fourth International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology(SEE4), Tehran, Iran, 2003
International conference Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA and Muneo HORI, Macro-Micro Analysis Method for Computation of Strong Motion Distribution with High Resolution and High Accuracy, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 6-10, 2002
International conference Alaghehbandian ALI, Masato ABE, Kimiro MEGURO, Risk Communication using Virtual Reality in the Case of an Earthquake, the 10th European Summer Academy on Advanced Studies in Structural Engineering and CAE, Weimar, Germany, 2002
International conference Zhu P., Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, Precise 3D Modeling of Elevated Bridges and Implementation of a Dynamic Analysis System, China-Japan Workshop on Vibration Control and Health Monitoring of Structures and Third Chinese Symposium on Structural Vibration Control, Shanghai, China, 2002, December, 2002
International conference Zhu P., Masato ABE, Junji KIYONO, Towards Earthquake Hazard Mitigation on Metropolis - a Platform for Risk Communication, ICANCEER2002 - International Conference on Advances and New Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research, Harbin and Hong Kong, China, 2002, August, 2002
International conference Muneo HORI, Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA, H. NAKAGAWA, Application of homogenization techniques to two earthquake problems, IUTAM SYMPOSIUM on Asymptotics, Singularities and Homogenisation in Problems of Mechanics, University of Liverpool , Department of Mathematical Sciences, Liverpool, UK, July 8-11, 2002
International conference Zhu P., Masato ABE, Junji KIYONO, An Internet Oriented Platform for Civil Engineering Applications: Towards Disaster Mitigation in Metropolises, The 6th World Multi-Conference on SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS SCI2002, USA, VII, 213-217, (received a Best Paper Award), JUly, 2002
International conference Muneo HORI and Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA, Application of Macro-Micro Analysis Method to Estimate Strong Motion Distribution and Resulting Structure Response, The 3rd ACES Workshop APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation, May 5-10, 2002
International conference Zhu P., Masato ABE and Yozo FUJINO, Precise 3D Modeling of Elevated Bridges and Implementation of a Dynamic Analysis System,, China-Japan Workshop on Vibration Control and Health Monitoring of Structures and Third Chinese Symposium on Structural Vibration Control, Shanghai, China, 2002
International conference Zhu P., Masato ABE, Yozo FUJINO, Analysis of Seismic Pounding Effects on Bridges with 3D Modeling, Proceedings of The Eighth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Singapore, 2001,December, 2001



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