

The International Project Laboratory (IPL) is a core of International Project Group at the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo.

Established in 2005, IPL is recognized for its multidisciplinary research activities. Four faculty members, research staff and students are widely known for their leadership in challenging new ideas and trends in the planning, design, management of international project. IPL is distinguished in its research and teaching.

Research in IPL is both empirical and theoretical, traversing many domains in the international development context: designing sociotechnology and its designing framework; social network analysis; disaster mitigation management; earthquake engineering; transportation planning; water allocation; poverty analysis and social marketing. Current research being done in the International Project Laboratory can be viewed at the web site of IPL. Technical reports are also available there.

Teaching is formalized in the classroom, but constantly challenged and enriched through the various on-going projects of faculty members in the lab and the wider influence of International Project Group.

Students working in IPL are admitted to Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo. Usually undergraduate students with primary interest in international project come from The University of Tokyo, while postgraduate students with interest in sociotechnology, social network analysis, earthquake engineering, transportation, water and poverty issues as well as international project come from both The University of Tokyo and other universities. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the lab, there are no rigid student classifications; undergraduates, Masters students and Ph.D. candidates can work with any faculty member or any research project. It is just this interdisciplinary composition of the research teams that has proven the IPL to be a good environment for nurturing interesting and profitable ideas.

The procedure for entrance to our laboratory is based on the rules and regulations of the Department of Civil Engineering. For inquiries about admission procedures, please visit our department website or contact our department.

Currently (April 2024), our laboratory has 32 students, consisting of 8 doctoral students (5 international students; from China (1), Egypt (1), Taiwan (1), Brazil (1), Thailand (1); 3 Japanese student), 20 master’s students (4 students studying abroad in France; 6 international students, from the Philippines (1), Malaysia (1), Sri Lanka (2), China (1), Canada (1))), and 4 undergraduate students, as well as one-year exchange students (2, from France (1), Germany (1)). We also accept one-year exchange students (2, from France (1), Germany (1)).

当研究室は,工学系研究科 社会基盤学専攻(工学部 社会基盤学科)における「国際プロジェクトグループ」の中心となる研究室です.


当研究室には専任の教員3名(加藤浩徳教授,森川想講師,Daniel del Barrio-Alvarez助教)と併任の教員1名(本田利器教授)が所属し,学生の指導に当たっています(詳しくはmembersを参照してください).研究室では研究室全体(ミーティング・研究発表・合宿等)での活動に加え,各指導教員のチーム単位,指導教員と学生の一対一での活動が行われています.学生はそれぞれいずれかの指導教員のチームに所属し,卒業論文・修士論文研究をはじめ,勉強会・セミナー等を実施しています.




