Research Interests
Public policy framing public-private relationship for innovation Policy process analysis of radioactive waste management policies/disputes in the world Case writing of reional innovations and international projects Innovation and leadership education
Selected Publications
Komatsuzaki, S. and Ryozo Nagai. (2018). Medical Research and Development Platform: Comparison of Research Systems in Overseas University Hospitals (English version). Tokyo: Center for Research and Development Strategy, Japan Science and Technology Agency. ISBN: 978-4-88890-621-0
Morikawa, S., Takagi, D., and Komatsuzaki, S. (2017). Attitude toward the construct of radioactive waste disposal facilities and spiral of silence: Results from online survey experiment. International journal of management and applied science, 3(5-part6), 74-82.
del Barrio-Alvarez, D., Komatsuzaki, S., and Horii. H. (2014). Regional power sector integration: Critical success factors in the Central American electricity market. OIDA International journal of sustainable development, 7(12), 119-136.
Komatsuzaki, S. (2014). Undesirable facility siting and democracy: A comparative analysis of radioactive waste repository siting in Japan, Korea and France. In Ueta, K. and Adachi, Y. (eds.) Transition Management for Sustainable Development. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
Recent Theses/Dissertations Advised
I. Doctoral dissertaions
II. Master's theses
"The role of local companies in building local energy system for the sustainable community development: A case study of decentralized energy business in Odawara" (Mar. 2021)
"A qualitative impact assessment of temporary space use before urban redevelopment on the case of "Shimokitazawa Cage"" (Mar. 2021)
"Policy process analysis of the permeation and the practice of new organizational values of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation: Role of the leadership in the change of conservative organization" (Mar. 2020)
"The mechanism of the creative class agglomeration in Madrid by the metropolitan highway reform" (Mar. 2020)
"A policy process analysis on the formation of municipality-oriented energy system under the Feed-in Tariff scheme in Japan" (Mar. 2020)
"Multi-layered energy governance: Case study on emerging renewable energy cooperative from a community perspective" (Mar. 2019)
"How to communicate for consensus building on final disposal of high-level radioactive waste? - Empirical analysis of effect of publication of the geoscientific characteristics map" (Mar. 2019)
"An analysis of the condition making process of social innovation diffusion: A case study of riverside café project by Hiroshima city office" (Mar. 2018)
"A policy process analysis of successful PPP policy implementation: A case study of the Mexican PPS program" (Sep. 2017)
"A case study on the mechanism of social innovation by landscape design: Belén Library Park in Medellín, Colombia" (Mar. 2017)
"Identification of local administrative factors that exert influences toward land acquisition and resettlement in the PRC and suggestions to MDBs for the improvement: Case studies of transport projects financed by MDBs" (Mar. 2017)
"Policy process analysis of PPP policy improvement in developing countries: Focusing on Colombian case of road PPP policy improvement" (Mar. 2016)
"An analysis on the formation process of India-Bangladesh interconnection project for the regional integration in South Asia : critical factors of aid policy contributing to regional integration in South Asia" (Mar. 2016)