Research Interests
Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement in infrastructure projects Social welfare as a collective action Comparative analysis of administrative organization and their public relations
Selected Publications
1. Komikado, H., Morikawa, S., Bhatt, A., Kato, H. (2021). High speed rail, inter-regional accessibility, and regional innovation: Evidence from Japan. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 2. Takada, S., Morikawa, S., Idei, R., Kato, H. (2021). Impacts of improvements in rural roads on household income through the enhancement of market accessibility in rural areas of Cambodia. Transportation. 3. Alves, L. B. O., Maeda, S., Morikawa, S., Kato, H. (2021). Land titles and farmer’s perceptions about ease of conducting transactions: A case study in Brazil, Development in Practice. 4. Morikawa, S., Seki, T., Amano, M. (2021). "Hoikushi ga Keiken suru Yoso to Genjitsu no Gap: Full-time, Part-time, Risyokusha ni Chumoku shite [Reality Gap Experienced by Child Care Givers: Observations of Full-time, Part-time and Retired," Akita, K. (Eds.) Hattatsu Hoiku Jissen Seisakugaku Kenkyu no Front Runner [Front Runner of Early Childhood Development, Education, and Policy Research], Chuo Hoki Publiching, Tokyo. 5. Morikawa, S. (2015). “Sri Lanka Nambu Kosoku Doro Jigyo ni okeru Yochi Shutoku to Shimin Ninshiki no Henyo [Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Resettlers’ Perception: The Case of Southern Transport Development Project in Sri Lanka],” Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Part F4 (Construction Management), 71 (4), I_119-I_129. [in Japanese]
Recent Theses/Dissertations Advised
I. Doctoral dissertations N/A II. Master's theses Atsushi Koyama (March 2023) "An analysis of future stability issues in logistics system in the era of the Physical Internet: Problem identification and cross-industry comparison for managerial solutions" Sayaka Sugiyama (March 2023) "A study of managerial decision-making bias in task planning under uncertainty: Toward enhancement of bureaucratic organizational capacity in the developing world" Tatsuya Hirokawa (March 2021) "Strategies of Higher Education in Emerging Economies: A Case of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Sri Lanka" Sixiong Peng (March 2020) "Influence of Iteration on Idea Generation in Teams: Analysis of Workshops" III. Bachelor's theses Shu Naruse (March 2023) "An analysis of environment where human dishonesty appears and implications for mitigation of corruptive behaviors" Rena Nishio (March 2023) "Interference of decentralisation with PPP in the water sector and shifting equilibria in service quality and tariffs: A case study of Mexico City" Toma Tanigawa (March 2022) "Water access under historically embedded multi-ethnic contexts in Latin America: An analysis with a focus on the Peruvian case" Hayato Hidano (March 2022) "How Can Environmental policymaking Take Long-Term and Multiple Perspectives? A Text-based Analysis of Discussions in Governmental Committees" Atsushi Koyama (March 2021) "Political instability, social movements and opposition actors in Latin America: Cross-case comparison and agent-based modeling" Sayaka Sugiyama (March 2021) "Attitudinal and behavioral responses to benefits and losses from resettlement: Experimental and empirical examination toward successful livelihood restoration of resettlers" Arisa Yasui (March 2020) "Improvement of anticipation abilities using scientific information of earthquakes: Towards disaster prevention practices in municipal governments"