Why I chose this department/laboratory:
I am originally from Thailand and did my undergraduate at the Department of Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University. During studying in undergraduate, I realized that Civil Engineering’s works always affect to huge number of people. In the aftermath of the severe natural disaster, for example, people’s community loses its own performance it used to have before the disaster which Civil engineers are responsible to reconstruct the community promptly in order to restore social life after the disaster efficiently. In my opinion, Civil Engineering’s aspect in Japan is slightly different from other countries in the sense of involving various areas of knowledge and study. Civil Engineering’s research works in Japan also cover social behavior in order to successfully achieve in both engineering and social science aspects. I think that it is very interesting so I decided to apply to international project laboratory after graduating from Thailand.
My research:
Now my research is about development of the dynamic simulation of social network in order to find effective social network structure. In my view, in any community, there are large numbers of actors with changing patterns of interactions. They are all adapting to each and they can cause many conflict problems. Therefore emerging future is extremely hard to predict and it is very hard to control this complex system. My research aims to suggest effective ways to control this complex system. Life in the Lab and/or Japan: Aside from academic research, I have joined in many activities both domestically and internationally. I am a member of AGS UT SC community, the University of Tokyo’s student community interested in global sustainability. This community gives me the opportunity to contribute to global issues by discussing among the students in the University and participating in international sustainability conferences. Moreover, our laboratory is located in Hongo campus where easily to travel and the university provides complete facilities such as gymnasium, soccer fields and tennis courts which I always use.
Message for future students/applicants:
Finally, I am very pleased to be selected to join the international laboratory. It is a one of the greatest opportunities to work in such a fabulous atmosphere. Every member is very kind and ready to help you not only about research but also daily life activities. Even though they work very hard and serious, they are very funny with full of laugh during relaxing time.