Why did I choose the International Project Lab?:
I was attracted by the diverse research topic ongoing in IP lab when I applied for Utokyo three years ago. You can do any topic that interests you in IP lab as long as they are interesting, meaningful and valuable to the society. Research here is always problem-oriented, which is the most important contribution we should make as an engineer. So, if you are hoping to address some practical problems in society with your research, IP lab is the best choice you can find.
My life in Japan
Unfortunately, almost 80% of my stay in Japan was under the shadow of Covid 19, which may take a lot of fun out of life in Japan. But I still received warm welcome and support from all the members here, including professors and students. Studying abroad, especially when you don’t speak local language very well, can be quite tough sometimes. It was the selfless support and encouragement of the professors and students in IP lab that helped me through every difficult period. I am really grateful to them!
Message for future students/applicants:
You will meet very excellent professors and students in our lab, and studying with them can be a lifelong wealth with no doubt. If you want to become an outstanding researcher, then don’t hesitate to join IP lab. You can learn from all the members of the IP lab the qualities that make an outstanding researcher, to be diligent, to be curious, to be fearless.type.