Why you should choose the International Project Lab?:
I studied at the Master Program of the Department of Civil Engineering, the University of Tokyo from 2016-2018 under a scholarship from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). With the greatest support of ADB, I got a chance to be a part of the University of Tokyo and especially my research lab – International Project Lab. Before coming to Japan, I had studied and worked as an urban planner at Vietnam’s designing institute. From an urban planner, I have learned a lot and by far, I am now falling in love with doing research. Doing research in our lab was challenging but fantastic, as I got to know and work with many great professors and lab-mates, who I have kept great relationships since then.
My life in Japan
The course in the International Project Lab was a great journey for me, and I learned that the most important parts, besides knowledge or skills, are the people I share with during that journey. It is the memory that I always preserve in my heart.
Message for future students/applicants:
“Hardworking is not what you have to do for the deadline, but what you choose to do when you have free time”
It is one of the first messages I got from my professor. This message is inspiring me a lot even now, while I am doing as a lecturer at The National University of Civil Engineering in Vietnam. It is not only a message about working habits but also a motivation for myself to keep my enthusiasm on my research path. I believe that when you keep your passion, you can do anything. Best wishes!